Mulham AlMalaika

Author & Journalist


Author & Journalist. Started career in translating and writing for Iraqi newspapers and magazines during 70s of the 20th century, through the sequence of years adapted to other forms of Journalism.

By the dawn of the 3rd Millennium, my Activities extended to several Media outlets, among which are:

  • IMN, Iraqi Media Net (Iraqia TV).
  • Radio Dijla (News Manager, Media advisor and programs presenter.
  • DW, German media outlet, based in Bonn Germany, working as Radio presenter in talk shows, Anchor for the Arabic department, author and editor at website DW and Iraq Today, and guest at TV talk shows, Guest at France 24 talk shows, Russia Alyum talk shows, Egyptian TV channels talk shows, and some others as well.

Write for several newspapers and websites, among which are:

  • DW arabia website. (Germany).
  • Qantara website (Germany).
  • Al Arab newspaper issued in London.
  • Several Iraqi, Arab, middle eastern and western newspapers.
  • He has pages on: Qantara website, MEO website, AlArab website, Al hiwar al moutamadin website, Kitabat website and website of the European Center for Counter Terrorism Studies.

Books published in Arabic and English:

  • Asrar AlJalees.
  • Hin Mashina Lelharb, the Dairy of Iraq-Iran war.

  • Eterafat Ahl El Qima (Confessions of the Elite). (Defaf Publishing Bagdad) .

  • Al Ladha Al Qariba min Al Hub (Ecstasy Very Close to Love) (Al Maktab Al Arabi LelMaraef Publications Cairo) .
  • Iran, Dowlat Al Masajid Al Amiqa (Iran, State of Deep Mosques), (Al Maktab Al Arabi LelMaraef publications Cairo) .
  • Opera Osirak in Baghdad (Operation Opera-Osirak in Baghdad) (Defaf Publishing Bagdad) & (Al Maktab Al Arabi LelMaraef publications Cairo).
  • Al Sharq Al Awasat Fi Nebuaat Al Kitab Al Muqadas (The Middle East in Bible Prophecy) available in Kindle Edition as well.
  • Strategy of War on Oil Tankers. (Published by Iraq Ministry of Defense 1987) . No copy found after 9th April 2003.
  • Electronic Simulators and Training Devices. Published by Iraq Ministry of Defense 1989) . No copy found after 9th April 2003.
  • Encoding Systems for Signal Wire & Wireless Devices. Published by Iraq Ministry of Defense 1990) . No copy found after 9th April 2003.

  • 4 Books in History and Islamic Philosophy translated from Arabic & Persian into English, published in exile 2000 -2003.
  • On this website I present all the books which my late mother Ihsan Al Malaika wrote, and which I published in different Arab publishing houses.

Degrees & Certificates:

  • BA in English Literature.
  • High Diploma in Military Sciences.
  • BA Arabic Language & Literature .
  • High Diploma in Persian language for non-native speakers .
  • Diploma of German for non-native speakers .

P/S: *The name (Al Malaika) is my Media family name which I borrwoed from my mother at the 90s of last century. My full name is Mulham Al-schalan

Mulham al Malaika‏


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